You look crazy playing Kinect

Posted by OtakuRockU On Monday, November 08, 2010


Motion gaming has never been more popular thanks to the Wii starting the craze.  It helped bring in lots of new gamers to the market from all ages, young to old.  Now all three major consoles have motion gaming capabilities; the PS3 with the Move and the 360 with Kinect.  I consider myself more of a hardcore gamer, but I'm all for casual gaming as well.

I've always felt that there is a gamer in all of us.  You just have to find the right type of game(s) that you'll enjoy.  Kinect is interesting to say the least.  I mean gaming without a controller?!  What absurdity is this?!  Yeah, Sony did it first with the Eye Toy (motion gaming before the Wii) and it found small success but never really took off.

That's why I was kinda surprised how much hype Kinect was receiving when Eye Toy had already been out and was basically the same thing.  I know that had something to do with Microsoft's marketing strategy which was spend lots of money on advertising.  And Sony really didn't advertise the Eye Toy much. 

Kinect was talked about on television shows and demoed live at lots of events.  I can see how it can be fun to play especially at a party with friends after a few drinks.  Actually, to me it's even more fun to watch other people playing it, and I'm here to tell you that you look crazy playing Kinect.

Crazy Kinect Gameplay
I don't think it'll be something I will get at least right now.  The games and the experience is a bit too casual for my tastes to be spending that much money on.  I'm pretty sure I would get tired of playing even the simplest of game on it after an hour or possibly less.  It would probably be a good cardio workout though I'm sure.

I'm glad that they made Kinect and I wish it success.  The more gamers the better.  Even casual games can be like a gateway game that leads to more and different types of gamers entering the market.  I collected a few videos for your enjoyment of Kinect in action.

Most of them are pretty funny, you'll see what I mean about looking crazy while you play.  You got to see the Japanese guy playing it naked very funny (video 2 skip to 1:00).  And the Kinect fail video is a reminder of the dangers of playing Kinect and standing too close to each other.  Poor kid it really looks like that hurt.

1 Comment

  1. Vikki Said,

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted on November 8, 2010 at 8:25 PM


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