Best Samurai Games for PS2

Posted by OtakuRockU On Sunday, December 26, 2010


The PS2 is simply amazing.  Not only is it the best selling console of all time, it's arguably the best gaming system period.  With 10 years of games being released for the PS2, it has a massive library of games to choose from.  By popular request from a previous article: Best Samurai Games this Generation, it's time to take a look back at some of the best samurai games last gen.  I decided to choose mostly games for PS2 because the majority of the best samurai games last gen were for PS2 only.  Not only that, but what I consider some of the best samurai games of all time were on the PS2.


Genji: Dawn of the Samurai is loosely based off an old Japanese story.  It's full of demons, mythological beasts, and of course samurai.  You get to play as two different characters: Yoshitsune and Benkei.  Yoshitsune dual wields swords and is the most agile of the two.  Benkei lacks in speed, but makes up for it in power wielding huge club like weapons.

You're able to level up your characters and equip lots of different weapons.  Aside from the great boss battles; one of the coolest things about the game is using kamui.  When you use kamui time slows down so you can focus on the attacks coming at you.  If you time your strikes correctly you'll deliver a devastating counter strike that will one-shot most enemies. 

 The Onimusha series is one of Capcom's biggest franchises.  Once you get used to the tank-like controls (similar to the Resident Evil series) you're in for a treat.  The controls aren't as bad as you might think, and is much improved in part 3 and 4.  All four of the main Onimusha games are great, and I can highly recommend them.  Although the main character and story is different in each game; you generally play a samurai that fights demons and has demon powers.  You also get to fight against Japan's favorite villian that they love to hate: Nobunaga.  I'm really hoping there will be news soon on Onimusha 5, I'll keep you updated.


Bleach: Blade Battlers 2nd is probably my favorite Bleach game.  If you're a fan of Bleach, and haven't played this game yet, you owe it to yourself to check it out.  My only complaint about this game is that unlocking the characters is a major pain.  Download a save file to save yourself the headache.  Thankfully playing this game is lots of fun and it's full of fanservice.  

The best part about it is the 4 player VS and it's especially fun if you have friends to play with.  Sadly, like most Bleach games this one was never given a Western release.  Once you get used to it, it's easy to navigate the menu's and play the game, even if you can't understand Japanese.  

The Way of the Samurai series is one of the most in-depth samurai experiences around.  You're able to customize and name your samurai with a variety of choices.  A lot of which will have to be unlocked, but that adds to the replay value of the game.  You will definitely want to replay this game as you're able to shape the story in many different ways.  The Way of the Samurai series are the best games you'll find that lets you roleplay as a samurai.  Way of the Samurai part 1 and 2 you'll find on the PS2 and PSP; while part 3 and the upcoming Way of the Samurai 4 you'll find on the 360/PS3.

Samurai Western is an action hack-n-slash samurai game.  It's made by the same developer of the Way of Samurai series, and those guys sure know samurai.  This is a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, and is a lot of fun because of it.  This game at heart is all about defeating hordes of enemies and bosses in a flashy and satisfying way.  You are able to customize your samurai's looks, weapon, and stats various ways which mixes things up a bit.     

Rurouni Kenshin: Enjou! Kyoto Rinne is a beat-em-up based off the manga/anime.  If you're a Kenshin fan you'll enjoy this game a lot, it's pretty faithful to the anime.  You get to learn and use all of Kenshin's signature attacks, and fight all of the memorable battles from the show.  You'll also get to play as 3 other characters: Sanosuke, Saito, and Aoshi which is great fun.  If you're not a fan of Kenshin this is a great samurai game, and after playing this I'm sure it'll make a fan outta you yet.

Like the Bleach game this one also hasn't had a Western Release which is unfortunate.  I was still able to enjoy the game and understood most of it from being a Kenshin fan.  There are online faqs and tutorials to help you play this game, so if you don't understand Japanese it's not much of a problem.

Samurai Showdown Anthology consists of parts 1-6 on one disc which is an amazing deal.  The Samurai Showdown series is one of my favorite fighting game franchises.  There is a lot of variety to the types of samurai that is in this game.  If you're a fighting game fan, and like samurai or ninjas you gotta check this game out.  I hope that the next game they come out with is another 2D one and that they learned from their mistakes from the latest one on 360. 

Here are some other samurai games I'll do a quick mention of that you might also be interested in:

Devil Kings - This game is similar to the Dynasty Warrior games where you fight hundreds of enemies at once.  It's done in a Capcom over the top style which sets it apart.

Samurai Warriors series - Very similar to the Dynasty Warrior type of gameplay.  Except you play famous samurai and it's set in Japan.

Samurai Champloo - This one is loosely based on the Anime, but not as good.  It's not a bad game, it's very stylish and fun to play.  I just can't recommend it to everyone, even if you're a samurai fan. 

Code of the Samurai - A hack-n-slash samurai game that focuses on counters and combos.  It looks pretty cool, unfortunately I haven't had the chance to play it.

Kengo: Legacy of the Blade - This game was labeled the spiritual successor to Bushido Blade.  While I don't find it as fun as Bushido Blade, I do see similarities.  Kengo has a lot of depth behind it, and is definitely not a button masher.

Seven Samurai 20XX - A hack-n-slash game set in the future where samurai slice down cyborgs with katana.  This game is basically mindless fun, but is that so wrong?

Mushashi: Samurai Legend  - This is the sequel to Brave Fencer Mushashi for the PS.  It's a bit different from the first game and takes more of an action approach.  Being able to learn lots of new attacks from your enemies was addicting to me.

Blood Will Tell - It's an action game based off of the manga/anime Dororo.  You play as a samurai that lost 48 body parts to demons and is out to get them back.  Believe it or not the story is actually really interesting, and it's worth playing just for that.  The game does have some problems, but if you're able to look past them, it's a pretty good game.

That about does it for the best samurai games last gen, hope you enjoyed reading.  If you're still hungry for more samurai games, check out this article:  Best Samurai Games this Generation  Be sure to comment below and tell me which samurai games are your favorite and why.


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