Top 10 Hottest Game Girls This Gen

Posted by Nightmarz On Saturday, December 18, 2010


Many good things have come with this generation in gaming so far. Powerful new consoles with great graphics, motion gaming, and of course... hot female game characters. Here is my list for the best girls to kick ass in video games in the past five years, in no particular order. Warning: Some videos may contain slight spoilers.

Poison Ivy - Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, 360)

Poison Ivy has always been a hot villain in the Batman comics, but her revision in the recent video game really brought her to life, in my opinion. She uses her powers to seduce the guards of the asylum and forces them to protect her from the caped crusader. It's a shame you can't just make nice with her instead of hurling batarangs at her for five minutes. Her leafy underwear is a nice touch too.

Selvaria Bles - Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)

Selvaria is a Valkyrur, a nearly extinct race of God-like warriors. She has devoted her life and undying loyalty to Maximillian, an Imperial Prince looking to take over Gallia. With lance and shield in hand, she a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. She prides herself as a warrior above all else, and doesn't use her sexuality to her advantage. But she sure as hell could if she tried.

Laughing Octopus - Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

The Beauties from MGS4 aren't really thought about anymore when the topic of hot game girls comes up, but they should. All of them are based off real models, and Laughing Octopus is my personal favorite. Each of them are unique boss fights and homage to MGS1 battles. They are also some of the best looking character models in games today.

Sylvia Christel - No More Heroes series (Wii)

Sylvia is the epitome of sexy in the video game world. She's hot, has a french accent and dresses in skimpy outfits. She's also a yoga master. She uses all this to her advantage to get Travis to do whatever she wants, and no matter how much she pisses him off along the way, he still wants a piece of her. Downward $#*%ing dog!

Chloe Frazer - Uncharted 2 (PS3)

Uncharted 2 is popular for many reasons. Amazing graphics, epic action scenes, and interesting and entertaining characters. Two of those characters happen to be attractive females. Elena and Chloe are both hot in their own ways, and it was hard to decide between the two. I don't know how Nathan did it. Elena is the type of girl you'd want to bring home to meet the family. She's got the whole "girl next door" thing going on, but Chloe has the exotic and mysterious look down. She's the type you wouldn't want to necessarily bring home to meet the parents, but you'd love to take her to a hotel. That, and she's good with a rocket launcher. Sorry Elena, I still heart you.

Lady - Devil May Cry 4 (PS3, 360)

Sure, she plays a pretty minor role in Devil May Cry 4, but that doesn't change the fact that she's incredibly hot. There's just something about a girl with big guns and an itch to hunt demons. It would be nice to see her make the cut for Marvel vs Capcom 3, but it probably won't happen. Oh well, as long as she doesn't get put in the DMC reboot as a drug addict, I'll be fine.

Nariko - Heavenly Sword (PS3)

Heavenly Sword was one of the best action games available during the early days of PS3. The graphics and and animations were great, the combat was fun, and the main character was hot. What more could you want? Nariko battles her way through the game wearing a half toga, practically. A woman warrior in a mans' world, she made playing through the game a pleasure with her fighting style and her exotic look. She doesn't flaunt her sexuality, but just her ability to endure everything thrown her way makes her one of the hottest females in video games.

Myuria Tionysus - Star Ocean: The Last Hope (360, PS3)

Myuria doesn't really need an explaination as to why she's on here. Just look at her. A somewhat promiscuous and scantily clad elf, who also happens to be very well endowed. She's also pretty badass when it comes to magic. The developers of Star Ocean did a really good job with physics when it comes to her character model, too. Just sayin'.

Samus Aran - Metroid: Other M, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

Samus has been a video game icon for female game characters ever since the NES days. She's never really been viewed as sexy until this generation, though. She has always been a strong, gender-less character without her sexuality ever showing. That was until her Zero Suit character model came into this generation. Critics were torn about Other M making her too much of a "girl", while others were busy looking for dirty pictures of her online. With Team Ninja's track record though, they could have done a lot worse with her. Either way, she's hot, and she is still as tough as she always has been. You gotta' love her, and she will most likely always be one of the hottest game characters of all time.

Lightning - Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, 360)

After going through this list, most people should expect at least one of the FFXIII girls on here. All three of the main female characters from it have every right to be on this list, but it came down to personal preference. Lightning is strong, heroic, and somewhat emo. My kind of girl. She doesn't have the sexy amazoness look like Fang, and she's not half naked like Vanille. But she's my favorite, nonetheless.

Well, there you have it. The top ten lovely ladies of this generation. Please keep in mind that this is my personal opinion. I know I don't have Miranda from Mass Effect 2 on here. Her face is ugly, get over it. On that note, please feel free to comment any opinions or anyone you think should have made the list in place of others. I'd be happy to hear any feedback and I'm interested to hear other opinions.


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