Arkham City Collector's Edition Contents Revealed!

Posted by Nightmarz On Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Batman: Arkham Asylum was one of the biggest games of 2009, but the Collector's Edition of the game left much to be desired. The plastic batarang that was irremovable from the cheap stand was a bit of a low blow to Batman fans, and the rest of the contents were "meh" at best. Don't get me wrong, I still treasure it, along with the fancy box it came in. Even still, I can't help but hope they do a little better for the $99.99 price tag next try.

With Arkham City on the way, many people have been waiting to see if the Collector's Edition will indeed be worth the price of admission. Well folks, the wait is over and details have finally been released about what Batman lovers can get for a hundred bucks!

In this amazing box, you'll get:

  • A Batman statue from Kotobukiya
  • The Batman: Gotham Knights movie
  • An Arkham City Artbook
  • An album containing music from the game
  • Exclusive early access to in-game content including The Iceberg Lounge challenge map, and an alternate skin for the Dark Knight himself.
  • And of course, your very own copy of Batman: Arkham City
All in all, it seems like a big improvement over the last installments collector's edition. Whether people feel the need to spend an extra $40 for this extra stuff is up to the individual, but I for one know that I'll have a sweet Batman statue sitting on my game shelf on October 18.


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