Augmented Gameplay Tips for Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Posted by OtakuRockU On Monday, September 05, 2011


 Deus Ex: Human Revolution has you playing as Adam Jensen a mechanically augmented human that didn't ask for this.  The game has a heavy focus on rewarding players for stealth and exploration.  Experimentation is also encouraged and made apparent by the different ways you can play the game and accomplish objectives.  Here are some tips that will help you to augment your gameplay.

Use the environment to your advantage
  • You can use movable objects (boxes, vending machines, dumpsters, etc.) to block off  enemy AI.  e.g. Putting a vending machine in a doorway will prevent guards from entering.
  • When picking up boxes or crates sometimes you will find hidden items under them.  Especially pick up moveable objects that are up against a wall to look for alternate paths through vents or a breakable wall.
  •  You can use movable objects as weapons and throw them at enemies.  Throwing a crate or vending machine can knock out or at least knock down a guard.  Some barrels you find are explosive or filled with gas that you can use to knockout or kill guards. Throwing objects also can create a distraction for guards to investigate.
  • You can stack objects on top of each other to help you advance higher or over a wall.  Also stacking objects together can help provide good cover to stay out of sight from guards or help provide cover from fire.
  • If you don't yet have heavy lifting some movable objects can be destroyed.  Similarly most doors can be destroyed instead of hacking them.
  • With heavy lifting you can pick up turrets and move them out of the way facing a wall so they aren't a threat or throw them.  Also if you hack the turret you can carry it around and use it to mow down the enemies.
  • You can shoot security a camera to destroy it, just be sure to use a silenced weapon and if guards are near they may be alerted.  
  •  You can use the stun gun to temporarily disable a camera, turret, and robots.
  • Cloaking is very useful when you're going for a stealth run.  Cloaking can help you get past difficult parts without being seen.  When cloaking you won't be detected by lasers.  Shooting while cloaking won't break invisibility.
  • Closing the doors cuts down the noise level dramatically.  Just be aware that guards can hear you opening and closing doors if they are close.
  • Dragging bodies can be very useful.  You can drag bodies out of sight even inside vents so the other guards won't be alerted.  
  •  You can drag an unconscious body in the patrol path of another guard while he's not looking then find a good spot to hide.  When the guard on patrol sees the body he will go off the patrol path to the body.  When he crouches down to wake the other guard you can sneak behind him and take him out too or use the tranquilizer rifle from a distance.
  • Throwing a box or shooting a silenced bullet against the ground or a wall near a guard will make him go off patrol to investigate it.  Making it easier to take him out or sneak by him.
  • If you have a group of enemies close together as long as you are out of sight you can use the tranquilizer rifle on one and also do the same to the others while they try to wake up their friends.
  • Guards turn off lasers just by walking by them, take advantage of that.  Even if you drag an unconscious body near the lasers it will cut them off.
  • The hacking augmentations are very useful and it's recommended you pick up a few early in the game. 
  • Sometimes when hacking you can capture the red tracker node to complete the hack and get bonus experience points or money.  There is also a glitch you can use to exploit that for infinite experience points or money.  The computer in Jensen's office is the best one for xp.
  • Hacking alarm terminals can be useful as a backup in case the guards have gone hostile.  Some guards will go for the alarm terminal and be confused there for a while why it isn't working and that time you can easily take them out.
  • You are able to look around the area while you are hacking if you need to check if the coast is clear.
  • If all else fails you can always use an automatic hacking device.
Boss tips and strategies **WARNING SPOILERS**
  • Typoon is a great boss killer and it helps you clear rooms
  • Mines and grenades work well on most of the bosses
  • The stun gun and gas grenades/canisters work on most of the bosses and give you time to either retreat or offload on them.
  • The first boss can be dealt with easily by throwing the gas canister right in front of you at the start to stun him then unload on him with your most powerful weapons.  You can also use the explosive barrels in the area if you'd like and even his own grenades that he throws will kill him eventually.
  • The second boss is easier if you have the armor augmentation that makes you immune to EMP.  You can also use the stun gun on her or shoot the terminals against the wall to stun her while you offload with Typoon or a powerful weapon.
  • The third boss is a lot easier if you choose to NOT get the new chip implant from the limb clinic the second time you go to China.  You can even take him out in one punch after he jumps a wall just do your melee attack.

General Tips and Strategies
  • Mines can be disabled by carefully walking up to them and picking them up.
  • Search for walls you can break even if you don't have the augmentation where you can punch through them you can still blow them up.  You usually find some useful items or alternate paths.
  • The AI fires at the last place that they saw you.  Keeping that in mind as long as you stay hidden you can move safely to another location and get the jump on them (cloaking helps).
  • You are rewarded greatly by exploring in this game search for alternate paths and make sure to get the Icarus landing, higher jumping, heavy lifting, and the punch through wall augmentations to help you explore everywhere.
  • Make sure to buy 2 praxis kits each time you visit the limb clinic of a new area.  When you go back to the areas a second time you are able to buy 2 more.
  • The best tip I can give you is to save and save often.  The game lets you save anytime and anywhere you want, make sure to take advantage of that.
  • Don't be afraid to try out something different, you might be surprised with the results.  The game is designed for multiple ways of doing things and multiple playthrough. Have fun with it!
I  hope you enjoyed reading these tips to help augment your gameplay in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.  Be sure to post your tips and tricks in the comments below, I'm sure there are lots that weren't mentioned.  Check back on GamersGameplay for more tips, tricks, strategies and reviews!


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