About Us

Posted by OtakuRockU On Friday, November 05, 2010


GamersGameplay.com is made by gamers for gamers.  It's run by me (OtakuRockU) and my friend Nightmarz.  We aren't some big named company or professional journalists.  We are just your everyday gamer much like you reading this now.  Aside from working our jobs and other daily responsibilities we game when we can.

Gaming is something we are very passionate about and talk about often.  Both of us have started gaming at a young age and have over 25 years of gaming experience.  We've seen gaming go from Pong to Uncharted, gamers from the beginning and gamers to the end. 

I hope you enjoy the site and our articles, you'll find that we have our own unique style to things.  Most of what we say is strictly opinion (even if it's stated like fact) aside from the news articles.  So try not to get too upset if you don't agree with what we say.  Lets keep it civil we are all gamers here after all.  We would like to hear your opinions as well, so please feel free to post a comment or contact us. 

We will try to update the site as often as we can, so be sure to bookmark and check back from time to time.  This is our first website so we are still learning.  Please be patient things will only get better from here, promise!  Help support us the little guy, a victory for us is a victory for gamers everywhere.  Tell your friends, post comments, and check back often.  Us gamers gotta stick together!  

Thanks for stopping by and checking us out.  We have a lot of exciting things planned for the future of GamersGameplay thank you for being a part of it.


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