Casual Gamer

Posted by OtakuRockU On Saturday, November 06, 2010


You might be a Casual Gamer if...

1. You think games are just something to pass the time.
2. You think games are not to be taken seriously.
3. You don't play games enough to even consider it a hobby.
4. You would rather play a puzzle game instead of a FPS.
5. You have no idea what GOTY means or even if you did you don't know what game it is.
6. You think a nubcake is something you eat.
7. You don't own any console game systems.

Here are the 3 types of Casual Gamers:

Flash Master

You're in front of the computer at home or work and got a few minutes to kill...what to do.  How about checking out the latest flash game?  Those types of games are perfect for the Flash Master.  They offer a ton of variety with new games coming out all of the time. 

They aren't like your typical games that can take hours and hours of your time.  A flash game can be played and completed within minutes.  The best part about it is that they are free, and it just takes a few seconds to get it ready.  You don't have to spend all of that time learning how to play it either. 

Most flash games have very simple controls.  It can be as easy as pointing the mouse and clicking, you're pro at that.  You can even play them on your phone, how convenient!  They are great to play while you're traveling, or whenever you have time to spare. 

Gaming on the go with your phone or laptop.  Some flash games keep track of scores and have leader boards.  Great for those that want to be competitive and try to beat out other Flash Masters.  Gaming in a flash!

Social Enthusiast

Social networking sites like Facebook have become wildly popular.  Just about everyone I know has a page, even those that aren't very computer savvy.  It's addicting for the Social Enthusiast to go on there and post about their life.  Other people will comment on what they said, and they can read about them and comment back.  You can also play games on there too.  

Games like Farmville do an amazing job of keeping players hooked.  It uses the same methods of addicting MMO's.  Doing the ol' carrot on the string leading the horse trick.  It keeps the game fresh and exciting to the Social Enthusiast there is always something just around the corner to look forward to. 

Those games are integrated seamlessly into Facebook.  They encourage you to play with friends, trading items and sending messages to each other.  Some items you are only able to acquire by getting friends to play with you.  There are tons different kinds games to choose from as well. 

As a Social Enthusiast you enjoy the whole experience of playing the games together with friends.  Not only that but also being able to deepen your personal relationships through sharing your day to day life with each other as well.


Sudoku, Mahjong,  Bejeweled, Tetris sounds like fun?  If so, you might just be a Puzzler.  You enjoy playing games where you can flex your mental muscles.  Logical thinking is king in your world of gaming. 

You don't require a game to have good graphics, that doesn't impress you much.  What does impress you is the challenge that it offers.  The harder the better.  It's got a time limit? Great bring it on!

It doesn't have to be a strict puzzle game either; some Puzzlers have been known to play games like Zelda.  They just don't take gaming as seriously as the Average Gamer does.  Puzzlers also enjoy games that you get points in.  They enjoy challenging themselves to go for the top score.  Self improvement while being entertained is the goal of the Puzzler.

Not you? Check out the other Gamer Types:

Average Gamer                              Roleplay Gamer                              Hardcore Gamer 


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