Comment Policy

Posted by OtakuRockU On Saturday, November 06, 2010


Comments are welcomed and encouraged on GamersGameplay, but there are some instances where comments will be edited, marked as spam, or deleted.  Please feel free to comment, debate and even disagree.  I value your comments and want your voice to be heard.  It's not our intention to censor you in any way without a reason.  

By commenting, you agree to the following:

All Rights Reserved:  We at GamersGameplay reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any and all comments.  We also reserve the right to ban any one or group from commenting.  The Comment Policy may also be edited at any time as we see fit.

Your Comments:  You agree that your comments are your own, and yours alone.  You agree to take full responsibility for your comments.  GamersGameplay is not liable for your comments.  Please do not talk about or reference to anything illegal or your comment will be deleted and you potentially could be banned.

No Personal Attacks Permitted:  It's okay to question or disagree with someone, but it's not permitted to attack them.  Any form of hatefulness will not be tolerated. 

Privacy:  Please do not post any personal information in comments.  GamersGameplay will never ask for any personal information through comments.

External Links:  Linking is permitted, but it has to be approved before it's posted.  Just make sure that it's relevant to the article and it adds something to the conversation. 

Spam:  We will not tolerate any form of spam.  Anything assumed to be spam will be marked as such and removed promptly.

Profanity:  Some cursing is accepted and even expected, we are gamers after all.  Just make sure to not get too carried away or your comment may be edited or deleted.  Also do not directed any profanity towards another person, it will be considered a form of being hateful.

Stay On Topic:  At least try to stay on topic or in the general direction of the topic.  I know sometimes it's hard and you'll go off on tangents about a dog you once had, or something else like I'm doing now and that's okay.  Just try not to stray too far before you come back.  Keep in mind that off topic comments may be considered spam, or if they aren't adding anything to the conversation they will be deleted.

Respect:  I'm not asking you to like, or even agree with each other, but you should at least treat each other with respect.  Have disagreements, and debates all you want, but try to keep it civil.  We are all gamers here after all.


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