Uncharted Movie Doomed?

Posted by Nightmarz On Friday, December 03, 2010


I hope Nate can pull himself out of this train wreck.

The Uncharted series on Playstation 3 is well known for its amazing characters and engaging moments during gameplay. Many people would say it's the best possible experience you can have on the console. And of course, with that level of fame, Hollywood wants its piece of the pie, too. Unfortunately, the movie version doesn't seem quite as promising.

With the role of Nathan Drake filled by Mark Wahlberg, fans are already starting to cringe. I know I am. I would have much rather liked to see Chris Evans, or someone else that can pull off the witty charm and still manage to be a badass. I am just skeptical that Wahlberg won't be able to bring any kind of personality to the character, since our favorite treasure hunter is best known for his personality above everything else.

Mark Wahlberg isn't the biggest concern, however. Director and writer David O. Russell is up to no good with the script, apparently. It has been reported that Nathan Drake's entire history is being altered. Drake's family are some kind of police force in the world of antiquities and art, and the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree, as Nathan is also in the family business.

He can look the part... but that's about it.
This change alone is a pretty good indication that the Uncharted movie won't live up to everyone's hopes for it being decent. Nathan Drake is supposed to be a treasure hunter, period. He is supposed to be on the lookout for the next big find that he can try to cash in on. Bad stuff happens, and he gives up on whatever treasure he's after in order to stop said bad stuff from happening. He's a scoundrel that turns hero, kind of like Han Solo. Not some "treasure police" making sure thieves don't steal from museums.

It's looking as though this movie is already a disaster, but time will tell, I suppose. Russell told LA Times that he's already more than halfway done with the script, if that's any indication of how in-depth the plot can be. I know I won't be holding my breath waiting for this train wreck to hit theaters.


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