Best Samurai Games this Generation

Posted by OtakuRockU On Thursday, December 02, 2010


Sometimes it seems that there aren't enough games about samurai.  Most games these days are all about giving you a gun and want you to shoot something.  While games with guns are great, and probably the most popular type of game, sometimes you crave something a little different.  There is nothing else like having a sword to cut down your foe.  Samurai games might not be nearly as popular as shooters, but that doesn't make them any less fun.  I've gathered for you today some of the best samurai games this generation has to offer.

Way of the Samurai 3 for the 360/PS3 is one of the best samurai based games ever made.  It's a shame that this game didn't get well received in the West having mediocre and lackluster reviews.  I'll admit it's not a game I can recommend to everyone, but if your looking for a great samurai game, this is it.  You have to be able to look past a few flaws, and maybe it lacks polish in some areas, but this game is truly a gem.

It's set in the Sengoku period you play as a samurai that was injured in battle and lost his memory.  If you're familiar with the previous Way of the Samurai games you'll have a good idea how this one plays.  You're able to directly influence the way the story is shaped with 22 different endings.  The game encourages you to play multiple times and try things differently.  You are rewarded with loads of different weapons, costumes, techniques, and things to unlock.  All of which will carry over on your next playthroughs.  This is a game that no samurai fan should miss out on.

Red Steel 2 for the Wii isn't your traditional samurai game, it's not set in feudal Japan.  The game has a fictional setting that is very much like the wild west with the exception of having some modern day technology, and samurai.  With gun and sword in hand, the game is played from a first person perspective.  Your required to use the Wii Motion Plus which helps a lot with the sword fighting.  When you compare it to the first Red Steel (that didn't use the Motion Plus) it's like night and day.  Red Steel 2 surpasses the first game in every aspect, except at being a bad game (the first one wins in that category).  This game has become one of my favorite games for the Wii, the swordplay is a lot of fun.

You're able to pull off a lot of different moves and combos based on how you swing the Wii remote.  One of my favorites is being able to hit the enemy up into the air, jump up, and air combo them.  The better you perform you're rewarded with more money that you can use to purchase upgrades such as: new sword techniques, powers, or purchase new guns.  If you own a Wii be sure to check this one out, you'll be glad you did.


Afro Samurai for the 360/PS3 is loosely based off the manga and anime series.  If your a fan of the manga or anime you probably already own this game, or you at least played it.  If you aren't familiar with Afro Samurai check it out, you might be surprised.  This game didn't score too well with reviews and critics, but that doesn't make it a bad game.  Sure it has it's problems, like: the story could have been explained better, fighting the camera is no fun, it could have used a little more polish, and the boss fights could have been better.  A couple of months after the games release, there was a patch that added some tweaks, and bug fixes that addressed some of those problems. 

To me those were minor issues that don't take away from the enjoyment of the game, especially now that you can pick it up cheap.  Be sure to download the demo for Afro Samurai, and play it for a few minutes, you'll see that it's actually really fun.  If your looking for a hack and slash game where you can be a badass samurai with lots of blood, and body parts flying off, then this is your game.

Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes for the PS3/Wii is an action adventure samurai game similar to the Samurai Warriors or Dynasty Warriors type of game.  What makes this game different from similar games (and better in my opinion) is that it's made by Capcom.  Who else other than the great minds at Capcom would bring you a samurai that wields 6 swords at once?  You can also tell that the game has that Capcom polish, style, and knack for making something over the top all over it.

You're able to take on tons of enemies at a time, the combat is very flashy, and fun.  Sure the enemy AI may seem a bit slow or dumb, but that's how these types of games are.  It's about feeling powerful, destroying hundreds of enemies with flashy attacks, and trying to build your combo meter as high as you can. Oddly enough the game never really got repetitive for me even after putting over 20 hours in.

I really enjoyed the story of the game, each character has multiple paths to take, and endings to see.  I also had fun leveling up the characters, unlocking their special moves, and getting better weapons.  Sadly, it doesn't have online multiplayer, but it does offer local.  Playing split screen with friends was a blast.  I encourage you to check out the demo to see what you think, but don't solely base your opinion off of that.  I didn't really care for the demo too much, but I really enjoy this game, and I think you samurai fans will too.

Upcoming games with samurai goodness:

Way of the Samurai 4 has been announced for the PS3. There aren't many details out on it yet, and no release date has been revealed. I'll be keeping watch, and keep you updated.

Shogun 2: Total War is a war strategy game coming out for the PC on March 15, 2011.  This one is looking really good, I'll be sure to post impressions once I get my hands on the game, or a demo of it.

Samurai games I want to be made:

Onimusha 5 - come on Capcom, make it happen!  You know you want to!

Bushido Blade 3 - I have a lot of fond memories playing part 1 and 2 on the Playstation.  Hopefully Square Enix will make part 3, or a spiritual successor.  

Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan! - I know this game is already out, but I want them to bring it over to the West.  This is a game that really needs to be translated, it really is an amazing samurai game.  

Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan! 2 - If your not going to translate the first Kenzan and bring it to the West, at least make a part 2 and translate it.  Really though, any open world samurai game with a great story, and nice combat will do.

New Samurai Showdown game - Preferably a 2D fighting one, those are my favorite.  I really liked part 4 a lot and I would like to see a new one with the quality of BlazBlue.  A 3D one would be fine too, just make sure it doesn't suck like the last one.

Genji 3 - The first one for PS2 was really good, and the second one for PS3 wasn't that great.  They have a lot of great ideas with the Genji games, I just hope they make a 3rd one to show everyone.

I hope you enjoyed reading, that's it for now, let me know what you guys think.  What are some of your favorite samurai games?  Also, what type of samurai game do you wish someone would make?  Be sure to post your comments below.  If your interested in seeing what last gen had to offer for samurai games check out: Best Samurai Games for PS2


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