New Final Fantasy Versus XIII Trailer Impressions

Posted by OtakuRockU On Tuesday, January 18, 2011


A new trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII was shown last night at a closed theater in Tokyo.  Although filming of the trailer was prohibited, it somehow ended up on YouTube a few hours later.  You just gotta love YouTube; it's got just about everything you wanted to see, and everything you wish you hadn't seen.  I'll post impressions of the trailer just in case it gets removed.

I'll also update this post with a translated version when it becomes available, currently the trailer is only in Japanese with very little English.  The trailer officially won't be revealed to the public until later this month, so if you missed it, you won't have to wait long.  Without further ado here is the new Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer!

Going by this trailer the game is shaping up pretty nicely.  The facial animations and graphics are very realistic.  There is a lot of detail done to the characters and environments.  Noctis seems like a cool guy maybe a bit grumpy when he first wakes up, but who isn't.  I gotta say though having hair in my face all the time would probably bother me, but overall I like his character design.

The game has a darker and more gritty feel compared to most Final Fantasy games which I like.  In this trailer it showed some more scenes from the party shown in the previous trailer.  This time at least it shows a bit of gameplay with Noctis walking around a bit before some party crashers show up.  Military type guys busting through the windows riding what looks like giant mechanical flying whales.

As always they are doing a great job of mixing in pre-rendered cutscenes and events in with actual gameplay.  Which makes for a really cinematic and awesome gameplay experience you'd expect from a Final Fantasy game.  Getting to watch more of the combat gave a better idea on how the battle system works.  It looks like it plays a lot like Kingdom Hearts and Crisis Core.

You're able to dodge, jump, and do combos all in real time.  The menu bar on the side shows that you're able to use your standard item, magic, summon, and EX arts.  The combat looked really fluid and flashy, I saw a few times where Noctis did a teleport move mixing in magic and swordplay together.  There was also a few times it showed if you're using a gun you can aim in a 3rd person behind the shoulder view.

The trailer showed one part where a party member aimed a shot at an explosive barrel.  It made a huge explosion that staggered the Behemoth they were fighting.  Noctis was able to control a mounted cannon on a tank blasting away enemies.  Not only that but he also got in and controlled a giant mech.  So vehicles may play a big part in the combat, or at least a bigger part than past FF games. 

It was also nice to see there was a jungle environment that you'll get to explore.  Noctis and crew were fighting flying DemonSaurs; a mix between a demon and a dinosaur (not the official name, just a nickname I gave them).  Possibly there will be day/night cycle I couldn't really tell, but it did switch from day to night in the trailer while they were fighting.

Overall I was pleased with the trailer and it helped answer a lot of questions I had about the game.  It also left me with a lot of new questions and a craving for more.  This game has been in development for about 8 years now, I'm ready for it to come out!  I'll continue to be patient, I just hope it'll be worth the wait.  Going by this trailer it's looking promising, and more information should be revealed soon.

I'll keep everyone updated on new developments, be sure to check back.  Also, post your comments below and let me know what you thought about the trailer if you were lucky enough to see it early.


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