Average Gamer

Posted by OtakuRockU On Saturday, November 06, 2010


You enjoy gaming but it's not all you do.  You enjoy doing other things as well and sometimes gaming takes a back seat.  It's no big deal though, games are just games after all.  They are just another form of entertainment meant to be enjoyed when you're in the mood.

The Average Gamer isn't quite as fanatical about games as the Hardcore Gamer.  That doesn't mean that they enjoy them any less or aren't passionate about games.  To them video games are just a hobby.  Instead of focusing on mastering a game, the Average Gamer will first want to have fun.

They usually aren't bothered by the fact they never beat the game.  They won't lose any sleep trying to keep up with the Joneses.  Gaming is all about enjoyment and playing the way you want to when you want to.  The Average Gamers are the most common out of the 4 categories. Here are the 3 types:


Easygoing Gamer: "It's nice once in a while to put in a game after a long day.  It helps you unwind or take out some frustrations.  If the game is too difficult on normal you don't mind playing on easy.  The last thing you want is even more stress when you get home.

I mean why would you want to play on hard?  Starting over at the beginning after you die, no thanks.  I'm here to play the game, it's not playing me!  It's nice when I find a game that I can pick up and play for a few minutes/hours whatever, and turn it off when I want."  Those are the thoughts of an Easygoing type of gamer.

Easygoing gamers enjoy a little bit of excitement with their games, but not too much.  They play games to relax and relieve stress.  Naturally they don't want to put in all the extra time it takes to master it.  Which doesn't hinder them at all from progressing or having fun.

Most games made now have frequent checkpoints, regenerating health, and auto-saves.  So it's not really too much a big deal when they die, they have unlimited tries.  If it gets too hard they can set the difficulty back a bit.  They are able to still enjoy the gameplay and story just like everyone else without all of the extra frustrations.

Games are meant to be fun, and it's no fun when your losing.  Easygoing gamers play competitively too but in a more casual way compared to the Top Dog's.  They try to play with people around their own skill level. Sometimes they might just play a game ignoring the objectives and play how they want.  Games are made for your enjoyment after all, no need for them to upset you.

Thrill Seeker

Walking down a dark hallway in an abandoned mansion you slowly open the door and...OMG A ZOMBIE!  SHOOT IT!  Heart pounding, adrenaline pumping, fast paced excitement!  That's the life of the Thrill Seeker.  Doesn't really matter what type of game it is as long as it keeps their attention.  

Thrill Seeker: "It's no sense in playing a game if it's too slow or boring.  I mean why should you have to wait for it to get to the good parts?  Racing against the clock or other people is exciting too.  It's always such a rush to make it at the last second.  Winning a match can be the ultimate high, but practicing the same thing all day is boring."

Thrill Seekers don't really have the longest attention spans when it comes to gaming.  Once the excitement leaves, so do they.  It's not uncommon for them to purchase games frequently, and not really play it that much before they move onto the next game.  It's always exciting to them playing the latest and greatest games.  Thrill Seekers are always on the lookout for that next game that will get their heart pounding again.


You hear about what's happening Friday night?  It's party time!  Lets call everyone up to come over and play some Wii!  The Partier is a social gamer that likes gaming together with friends or really anyone.  They shouldn't be confused with a Casual Gamer either.

Some of them also like to hold LAN parties, fighting/FPS tournaments, and are pretty competitive.  They just aren't as hardcore about it like the Top Dog's.  Winning isn't everything for them, it's more about having fun with friends.  For the Partier the best part about gaming is getting together in a social setting and bonding.

Multiplayer and split screen are the first things they will check to see if a game has.  There is nothing else like being there with friends playing some couch co-op.  It gives everyone something to talk or tease each other about.  The Partier sometimes will play games online at home, or practice offline.  That's just to pass the time until they can get with friends again and get their game on together.

Not you? Check out the other Gamer Types:

Hardcore Gamer                                Roleplay Gamer                          Casual Gamer


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