Hardcore Gamer

Posted by OtakuRockU On Saturday, November 06, 2010


The few, the proud, the Hardcore Gamer.  I shouldn't have to tell you if you're a Hardcore Gamer or not, you already know.  You game every chance you get.  When you're not gaming you're talking about gaming.  When you're not talking about gaming you're reading, writing, thinking, and dreaming about it.  Okay well maybe that's an exaggeration but not too far from the truth, eh?

Most Hardcore Gamers not only embrace games but also the gaming culture and lifestyle.  Gaming is usually a big part of their life.  It's in their blood, it's what they do, and they are good at it.  Here are the 3 types of Hardcore Gamers:


  The Tactician's motto: "Knowledge is power".  Much like in war, the Tactician values strategy and planning ahead before entering the battlefield.  A Tactician will enjoy games that have a lot of depth to them, especially with the gameplay mechanics.  They like to study a game and learn all they can about it. 

A Tactician wants to know things like:  What element is that monster weak to?  What strategy to use when it's Zerg vs Terran?  Which armor set gives better DPS?  How should I spec my character?  Tactician's also will enjoy some good competition, after all they want to put their strategies to good use.

They also like to collect things (not as much as the Completionist) if it adds any value or more options to their strategy.  The Tactician enjoys games that offer deep character customization through equipment, stats, and talent trees.  They also enjoy a good RTS game where they can show off everything they learned about it. 

Really though any game that's deep enough to keep them reading and learning about it is what they want.  The Tactician will spend a lot of time outside of the game studying it.  It's almost as if the Tactician enjoys tweaking characters and strategies more than playing the actual game itself.

Top Dog

If you like going online and pwning newbs, Top Dog sounds right up your alley.  Not only are you fluent in Leet Speak, and other online dialect; you also got a sweet headset to use it.  Top Dog's know exactly what their W/L ratio is at.  Am I right?  Top Dog's are very competitive gamers, they play to win. 

Some of them are professional gamers that go to tournaments, win money, and have sponsors.  Others do it for the fun of competing or proving they are better than you.  Fighting games, Sports, and FPS are some of their favorite games.  The Top Dog (especially professional ones) will study the games and strategies, but they value skill above all else.  

Instead of reading about winning, they'd rather be out there actually winning.  Not just winning against other players (their tears are so delicious), they love a challenge from single player games too.  Playing for hours at a time,  practice makes perfect with Top Dogs.  They will practice combos and strategies over and over learning through muscle memory. 

They also learn map layouts, spawn points of enemies, and power ups.  Not from reading about it, but actually playing the games so much it's burned into their brains.  To a Top Dog it's all a small price to pay for victory.  


Sometimes called loot whores, or Trophy/Achievement whores, a Completionist gets no respect.  I mean seriously that's offensive.  They are just jealous anyway, don't let it bother you.  You have your precious after all don't you? 

A Completionist loves to collect things.  In fact they like to collect everything in the game that they can.  Games that have lots of loot or quests are a Completionist's dream (or nightmare).  They get that warm and fuzzy feeling every time they hear that chime for a quest complete or Achievement/Trophy.

The Completionist enjoy playing games that will track progress.  They always enjoy going for that 100% complete, and comparing with others along the way is also fun for them.  They also enjoy games that that offer lots of unique and rare items they can trade and collect to show off to others.  They aren't limited to games that just have things to collect either. 

They will enjoy just about any type of game they like to it's fullest.  It's just that they like having proof that they obtained something, or did something amazing in a game.  It's always nice to have something to show after putting all that time in a game after all.  Even if it is just a new title, or a green cape instead of a brown one.   

Not you? Check out the other Gamer Types: 

Average Gamer                                   Roleplay Gamer                              Casual Gamer


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